Little Egypt GL Club

History LE GL Club
History LE GL Club
Abe Lincoln's Axe

   The Little Egypt Grand Lecturers Club was formed on May 24, 1994. Brother V. Ray Landers obtained Mt. Vernon lodge No 31 for the first meeting. We met on the last Thursday of each month for several years before changing it to the last Wednesday. Brother Landers was elected as the first president and Brother Robert E. Ford as Secretary. It was decided that the work in the club should be held to the highest standard for both ritual and floorwork. This is still our standard. We have been highly successful. It is the first school of its kind in Southern Illinois and the most successful. We are now a official Grand Lodge School for Lecturers in Illinois. We have contributed $600 to the Grand Lodge Drug fund in Illinois. This fund was established in 1989 for the prevention of drug and alcohol abuse among children.

    R. W. Brother Ed Robinson suggested we should have a web site for a list of meetings in Southern IL. This would help lodges set meetings without conflicting with a nearby lodge's date. Also, it will keep our members informed about activities in the Southern Area.

   This web site for Little Egypt Grand Lecturers Club was established by PGM Robert E. Ford. If you have suggestions on improving this site, contact me, Edwin A Robinson. I have run the site for many years in Brother Ford's name and I welcome suggestions.